
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keeping paperwork organized

I teach 80 students in an average year, all of whom I see every day for 80 minutes.  Some of these students (and often some I don't have during the blocks) are also in my 45-minute intervention or enrichment period at the end of the day.  It took me a few years to find the paperwork management system that worked best for me and my classes because I am not good at managing papers.  I was always that kid in school with the 2-inch thick folder and nothing clipped in her binder rings dated past September!  Here's what I use in my classroom that I can actually stay on top of.

These hanging file pockets hold four things for each class: missed work from absences, tests/quizzes that need to be made up, no name or not finished papers, and papers to be handed back.  I got these at JoAnn in the dorm section and they've been going strong for two years already with no signs of wear.  It doesn't look like they are carrying them this year because I couldn't find them in my store or online.  In any case, I know you can find similar hanging file organizers in teacher catalogs.  Lakeshore sells some here

I teach the kids to check the top pockets any time they're absent and then to ask me about make-up work.   Kids remind me to (let them) hand back papers when some are in the organizer because I am notoriously bad about remembering to pass back what I've graded. 

Not pictured are the bins where students turn in their work to me.  Those aren't as interesting.  They're simply stacked plastic file trays labeled with the class period.  Simple, and they work!

How do you organize paperwork for your students?  

Miss B

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