
Friday, July 19, 2013

Foldable for 8 Standards of Mathematical Practice

Happy Friday, everyone! My parents were just here for a short visit, so I took a few days off from thinking about the next year too much. We spent yesterday at the beach and had crabs for lunch today before they went home. It's always good to see them!

Last week, I spotted a blog post about journaling on the math standards. Unfortunately, I can no longer recall where I read it, so please let me know if it was yours or if you also read it and remember because I want to link back to that post! I knew immediately that I wanted this to be an assignment for my left pages in my Interactive Notebook.  That list of assignments now numbers 22 and you can get it here

In order for my kids to journal about the standards, they would need to understand them. Enter Sarah's awesome posters she shared yesterday.  I've put these into a foldable that my students will have in the beginning "reference" section of their notebooks.  Here are some photos.  Please excuse the quality; I need to build a larger light box if I'm going to be taking pictures of open notebooks. 

The outside of the 8-door foldable lists the 8 Standards of Mathematical Practice as they are written.  I cannot begin to count how many inservices and team meetings have been dedicated to these 8 sentences!   
"8 Standards of Mathematical Practice AKA What Good Mathematicians do."
Foldable on the right side of the page, writing prompt on the left.  
I know the kids will appreciate having the standards translated into "kid speak."  I put Sarah's simplified sentences inside the flaps and will have the kids illustrate what the standards mean to them.  Then, on the left side of the page, they will answer two brief writing prompts that will serve as a baseline for the year: 
1. "The standard that I demonstrate most consistently is #___ because..." 
2. "Standard #___ is difficult for me because..."

If the foldable would be helpful in your classroom, you can download it here.

How do you make your students aware of and accountable for the 8 Standards of Mathematical Practice?  

Mathematically yours,
Miss B


  1. Love this! I have an "I Can..." poster in my room with the practices listed (slightly modified, although I love to teach big vocabulary words to my third graders). I refer to the poster often! Having this in their notebooks would be helpful too. Thanks!


  2. Great idea for the beginning of their math notebook. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for sharing!!!!!!! I really appreciate it! Great idea for middle school students.

  4. I started this year with my interactive notebooks. Now, I'm hooked! And this...THIS is really a great idea to get the students engaged in the SFMP and make it engaging and meaningful for them! Yay!

  5. I stumbled across this as I prep our team math plans for next week (first week of school) and I want to say Thank you! Our district wants us to teach the 8 practices and this will be a huge help in setting up our interactive notebooks.

    1. Meghan, I'm glad it will be useful to you! Thanks for leaving a comment.

    2. I love the idea however I am not seeing the link. Would you be willing to upload it again, or send it to me? Thanks.

    3. I love the idea however I am not seeing the link. Would you be willing to upload it again, or send it to me? Thanks.

    4. I love the idea however I am not seeing the link. Would you be willing to upload it again, or send it to me? Thanks.

    5. I love the idea however I am not seeing the link. Would you be willing to upload it again, or send it to me? Thanks.

    6. I love the idea however I am not seeing the link. Would you be willing to upload it again, or send it to me? Thanks.

    7. Leslie,
      Here's a direct link:

  6. This is so great; I just tweeted a question about how to teach these to students! At what point in the school year did you use this? Thanks for sharing so generously.

    1. Hi! I have used this at the beginning of the year as almost a goal-setting kind of thing so students see what traits they need to show. I plan to do the reflection questions throughout the year this year (that didn't actually happen last year). My hope is that students see some growth.

  7. Great work...Have a look on here to practice online math ,designed with adaptive learning methodologies @

  8. Where is the link for the foldable? I would love to use this in my class!

    1. It's at the bottom of the post embedded in a widget. You might have trouble if you're on a tablet or phone or if you have flash blocked on your computer. Here's a direct link if that doesn't work.

  9. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  10. Thank you for this. Can't wait to try this out with my kids.

  11. THANK YOU FOR THIS! It is a fabulous resource! Thank you to Mariely Sanchez (Pencils and Magic Wands on YouTube) who shared this resource. I love this! I would not have found it without her.

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  13. I Is A Number: Foldable For 8 Standards Of Mathematical Practice >>>>> Download Now

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    I Is A Number: Foldable For 8 Standards Of Mathematical Practice >>>>> Download LINK

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    I Is A Number: Foldable For 8 Standards Of Mathematical Practice >>>>> Download Full

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