
Sunday, September 29, 2013

My best tip on Interactive Notebooks thus far!

I am loving using Interactive Notebooks by a large.  The one thing that does bother me is that my kids are still not all that fast at getting things assembled.

Tonight, I came up with a simple solution to keep things moving.  Legal paper!  I've heard that other teachers like to use half sheets, but I don't think a 5.5" by 8.5" piece of paper is quite enough space for most things I want to include.  I realized, though, that legal paper would cut in half to 7" by 8.5" which just leaves a small margin of extra space when the sheet is glued into the ISN.  All I'll need to do is to format the handouts two to a page and chop them in half.  Huzzah!  Now, to find out if the school has legal paper hiding anywhere...

To give you size comparison with a regular composition book.  I didn't attach it because I don't have my model notebook at home, but it leaves about 3/8" on each side and the bottom with a bit extra up top so there's room for a title. 

Here's a KWL chart that you can print on legal paper.  Font is Arial Black which should be standard for almost everyone.  I used KG Shadow of the Night on mine, but not everyone has it installed.  :)

What's your best time-saving ISN tip?

Mathematically yours,
Miss B

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