
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Inequalities Foldable

This week, I'll finally finish systems in my Math 8 class.  I say "finally" because we started systems the first week of February.  We have had so many snow days, delays, and testing interruptions that it's not surprising we're still working on that topic after two months.  My kids are pretty good with knowing what to do when but their lack of fluency with integers is still killing their overall accuracy.  We've broken out the calculators 100% of the time, but still they make errors. 

Systems is also arguably the hardest unit we have to cover this year because it is one of the most complex with the most steps.  I'm hoping that our next unit makes students feel more successful.  We're going to spend time on inequalities next.  This should be a partial review for them.  I put together what might just be my favorite foldable to date and I'm sharing it below.

When I was looking for inspiration on inequalities, I found Sarah's post from the fall about "flipping the sign."  I took her idea and ran with it in a slightly different direction (pun intended).  I included both instances of flipping the sign on the flip-flops and oriented them in the opposite direction so it would be easy to write the notes on them. 

Here are the files.  Please leave me a comment if you try them out; I'd love to hear about it.  I've changed the fonts to ones I think will be friendly, things in the Arial family.  Not as cute, but hopefully you won't have to reformat anything before you print!

What's usually the hardest topic in your course for students?  

Mathematically yours,
Miss B


  1. I completely agree with your statement that it's usually their lack of fluency with integers that kills their accuracy. I wonder if anyone has a good solution to address that issue. As far as the hardest topic for my students, I would say it's probably quadratic regression for mine.

    1. I Is A Number: Inequalities Foldable >>>>> Download Now

      >>>>> Download Full

      I Is A Number: Inequalities Foldable >>>>> Download LINK

      >>>>> Download Now

      I Is A Number: Inequalities Foldable >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK LK

  2. I LOVE what you did with the flip flops! This post is just an example of why I love blogging so much. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You can download it. Here's a direct link just in case you're still having trouble.

  4. Love this!! Thank you!!

  5. Thank you for this! I teach 6th and 7th grade, so this foldable will be great to give my 6th graders the beginning understanding of what an exponent means, but also takes my 7th graders a little deeper.


  6. Thank you. I have been doing research on interactive notebooks and will be using them for the first time this year. I teach 7th grade math. I'm really enjoying finding new material.


  7. Do you have a PDF version of this?

  8. I love love love the top one. Thank you so much for sharing.
