I went crazy today and made
The completed foldable will be stapled to notebook paper so students can store it in their binders.
To make your own foldable like this, you need three sheets of paper. I chose to use different colors but you could easily use white for everything. Hold all three sheets in the portrait orientation. On one sheet, measure 3" from the top and fold (green paper). On the next, measure 4" from the top and fold (white paper). On the last, measure 5" from the top and fold (blue paper). Nest these sheets together so you have six flaps sticking up. Secure with staples along the fold.
Want this file? Or a blank template perfect for any subject? Just click the links to download them and be sure to print them two-sided with short edge binding. If your printer can't print two sided, you want the dotted lines to match up when you copy the sheets. The blank template includes my notes to help you fill it in right the first time; we don't need to be frustrated!
Happy folding! If you find this helpful or have any suggestions, please let me know! I love to hear about what other teachers are doing.
Mathematically yours,
Miss B
P.S. - Better late than never, I'm linking up to #Made4Math even though it's not Monday.